The food we serve in Babel and The Greenhouse come from the garden and the menus are inspired by the fresh produce currently in season. With two restaurants it’s no surprise that we have quite a bit of fruit and veggie offcuts – this is great for making nutritious compost!

We make use of a windrow system to make compost and to keep earthworms happy. For a system like ours you need quite a bit of space, but you can use the same principle at home with stackable crates. It’s an easy and neat way to put kitchen waste such as egg shells, newspapers, fruit and veggie peels, coffee granules and even used teabags -that would otherwise end up in the bin – to good use.

Once the worms have turned the kitchen waste into compost, it can be worked into the garden again. Apart from speeding up the composting process, the worm tea, or leachate the earthworms produce can be used as a liquid fertiliser, just dilute with water.

Gundula shows you how you can make your own “worm warm”.



You will need:

  • Stackable crates
  • Bedding (a thin layer of soil/compost)
  • Earthworms, we use little red wigglers (available from nurseries or  ask a garden buddy)


  1. Choose stackable crates with holes between each layer to allow for drainage, and a tap in the bottom crate to catch the worm tea. You will find these crates at nurseries or hardware store.
  2. Fill the top crate a quarter of the way with the bedding.
  3. Add the earthworms
  4. Now add the kitchen waste, remember often and a little at a time is best. Be sure to shed the paper, and cut peels into smaller pieces. as this will speed up the process.
  5. Cover and remember to keep their living conditions comfortable. They should be moist (not wet), warm and away from direct sunlight.
  6. Your compost is ready when all the different  bits thrown in are broken down into one dark crumbly mix. In summer this will happen within a few weeks, but allow a month or two during the winter cold.